Steroids Sale F.A.Q.
How do I know you are not scammers?
There are some suggestions how you may verify our reliability:
1. Check on the official manufacturers websites: Dragon Pharma, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, Axiolabs, British Dragon Pharma.
*** Please input full supplier domain name
2. Register on one of related to bodybuilding forums and interact with members to ask their opinions and experience with
3. Read testimonials online, left by our customers, on such platforms as: Steroids.Reviews, AZSteroids Forum, SteroidsLive Blog, Steroids Portal.
More info is available here.
How to place an order?
To be able to place an order, you have to Join at our store, create an account and become a member. Once the account is created, you have to log in and check all the variety of products available on RoidsMaLL. When you find the needed product, enter the required amount in the field near to its name and click on "Buy Now". You'll be redirected to the "Shopping Cart Manager". If you'd like to add more products to your shopping cart, please click on "Continue Shopping". If the added products are enough, please click on the "Check Out" feature.
On the next step the Terms and Conditions of RoidsMaLL will be displayed. Please attentively read them and if you agree and accept Roids MaLL Terms and Conditions, click on the "Continue" feature. Please enter your shipping information on the new page. Make sure the mailing address is correctly indicated as to ensure delivery to the correct address. Once you have filled the mailing address, click on the "Continue" feature, and once again verify that the introduced info is error-free.
Now you have placed an order. The status of the order will be indicated as "unpaid and pending" till payment is provided.
How do I change my order after it has been placed?
If you haven't yet provided payment for your order and want to change the items from your order, please follow the below instructions:
- Log in to your Roids MaLL account.
- Select the order ID
- Click on the "Edit Order" option.
If you have already paid for your order, but it was not sent yet, and you want to add/remove an item, please create a ticket and ask the customer support to make the needed changes. Please always specify in order ID in your e-mail.
Is there a minimum order amount limit?
No. We've designed Roids MaLL online drug store in a user-friendly way; we haven't fixed any minimum order amount limit. You are invited to order anything you wish from our site, no matter the amount. Feel free to place your order, and we'll be glad to take care of the rest!