Apparently I never wrote a review for this order. RoidsMall recently brought it to my attention.I ordered awhile back, so my memory on the exacts may be a little generalized. Last summer I got on a little winstrol kick, I made a lot of orders from different sources. I do however remember this product because how it was shipped. I was surprised it even got through. Sorry, I don't want to divulge to much info on shipping. As far as the product goes, like I said, I order Kalpa winstrol from multiple sources. I don't believe that I had any issues with the product. All combined, I had excellent results. Running along side low dose test.( I've decided previously that I was gonna stay on trt dose year round, besides when I cycle larger amounts and compounds) Along with a calorie deficit, low intensity cardio 5 days a week and a low/moderate carbohydrate intake. ( 100 gm or less, usually less) I had excellent results, the leanest I've ever been (at that time) I think this summer I may go back to winstrol or may even try anavar, which I have never ran, to lean up .I trust this source as of now. I would approve if anyone asked if they should buy from them. I'm included in the promo. So I'll definitely leave a better review on whatever I decide to sample. If I run it completely.
Kalpa winstrol