Sustanon Q & A
Sustanon is a blend of four different testosterones, and very popular with bodybuilders and powerlifters for making muscle and strength gains, in both the pre-contest and off-season. Here are a few commonly asked questions regarding the use of Sustanon.
Q: I’m looking to run Sustanon as part of my pre-contest steroid stack. Is it a good idea?
A: Sure! Sustanon is comprised of four different testosterones. These four compounds release at different times within the body. This allows you to have the most possible testosterone in the bloodstream at a time, which gives your muscle cell receptors the best shot at constant stimulation.
Q: What kind of gains should I expect from Sustanon?
A: Initially, you will see gains in strength and size. Your body weight will increase between 10 and 25 pounds in three months of use, provided you allow yourself to consume adequate calories.
Q: What about side effects?
A: Water retention isn't a big deal with Sustanon, which makes it ideal for pre-contest bodybuilders. S250 can cause estrogen levels to rise, which means gynecomastia can be a legitimate concern for users who stay 'on' Sust for anything longer than two months.
Q: How long is Sustanon active for?
A: Sust becomes active within 24 hours, and is still effective up to 30 days later. You take shots much sooner than that to enjoy an overlapping effect and to nullify the lessening presence of testosterone from the initial shot. But the fact remains that S250 stays in your body for a full month.
Q: Is Sust, or any testosterone, right for female bodybuilders?
A: This answer is a resounding "NO". There will always be women who choose to use testosterone in their quest for great muscle mass and strength. But these same women will invariably experience irreversible side effects including virilization, a squaring of the jaw, and a deepening of the voice, which will last a lifetime, even after the short cycle has been run. Women would be much better off sticking to a smaller cycle of anavar and/or clenbuterol, and jumping up to Winstrol if they feel it necessary. Sustanon, or any testosterone, shouldn’t be used by women athletes under any circumstances.
Q: Please tell me about some ideal Sustanon stacks.
A: For a pre-contest stack, as you mentioned, you’ll want to stack anything between 400 and 600 mg per week of Sust with an oral such as Dianabol or Anadrol. Deca works well too, and you can also get by with stacking with a less potent agent, such as anavar or Winstrol. ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack) is also popular. It's not a true anabolic, but it does have some warnings (particularly when used with any MAOI inhibitor).
Sustanon is a very popular, very consistent testosterone. It’s among the most popular testosterone esters out there, and for good reasons. It works. As part of either a pre-contest or off-season regimen, Sustanon is a compound you should use if it’s available!
Most Popular Sustanon Brands for Sale
Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
- Active Substances: Testosterone Acetate (20 mg), Testosterone Decanoate (100 mg), Testosterone Isocaproate (60 mg), Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60 mg), Testosterone Propionate (30 mg)
- Concentration: 270 mg/mL
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Common Name(s): Sustamed, Omnadren, Andropen, Sustaxyl, Sustabol
Tested in Laboratory: View Lab Report
Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
- Active Substances: Testosterone Cypionate (100 mg), Testosterone Enanthate (200 mg), Testosterone Propionate (50 mg)
- Concentration: 350 mg/mL
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.
Lab Tested Product!
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
- Active Substances: Testosterone Decanoate (140 mg), Testosterone Isocaproate (84 mg), Testosterone Phenylpropionate (84 mg), Testosterone Propionate (42 mg)
- Concentration: 350 mg/mL
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Common Name(s): Sustanon, Andropen, Sustabol, Sustamed, Omnadren
Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.
Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
- Active Substances: Testosterone Decanoate (140 mg), Testosterone Isocaproate (84 mg), Testosterone Phenylpropionate (84 mg), Testosterone Propionate (42 mg)
- Concentration: 350 mg/mL
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
- Active Substances: Testosterone Decanoate (140 mg), Testosterone Isocaproate (84 mg), Testosterone Phenylpropionate (84 mg), Testosterone Propionate (42 mg)
- Concentration: 350 mg/mL
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
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