Methandienon is the trade name for the synthetic steroid released by BodyPharm. Methandienon is intended for oral administration and is produced as 10mg pill.
Each tablet of Methandienon contains 10mg of Methandienone/Methandrostenolone hormone, and can be used both in men and women.
Methandienon 10 mg is commercialized in high grade multi-layered bottles, specially designed to protect the contents from temperature changes or damages during shipment. Each bottle contains 100 tablets.
Methandienon does not react strongly with the androgen receptor, instead relying on activity not mediated by the receptor for its effects. These include dramatic increases in protein synthesis, glycogenolysis, and muscle strength over a short space of time. In high doses (30 mg or more per day), side effects such as gynecomastia, high blood pressure, acne and male pattern baldness may begin to occur. The drug causes severe masculinising effects in women even at low doses. Without the administration of aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex, estrogenic effects will appear over time in men. Many users will combat the estrogenic side effects with Nolvadex or Clomid.
The 17Ξ±-methylation of the steroid does allow it to pass through the liver without being broken down allowing it to be taken orally. It also has the effect of decreasing the steroid's affinity for sex hormone binding globulin, a protein that de-activates steroid molecules and prevents them from further reactions with the body. As a result, Methandienone is significantly more active than an equivalent quantity of testosterone, resulting in rapid growth of muscle tissue. However, the concomitant elevation in estrogen levels - a result of the aromatization of Methandienon - results in significant water retention. This gives the appearance of great gains in mass and strength, which prove to be temporary once the steroid is discontinued and water weight drops. Because of this, it is often used by bodybuilders only at the start of a "steroid cycle", to facilitate rapid strength increases and the appearance of great size, while compounds such as Testosteron-C or Nandrolon-D with long acting esters build up in the body to an appreciable amount capable of supporting anabolic function on their own.
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