Oxano-Lab 20
7Lab Pharma

Oxano-Lab 20

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
- Active Substance: Oxandrolone
- Concentration: 20 mg/tab
Presentation: 50 tabs
Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharm
Common Name: Anavar
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Oxano-Lab 20 Detailed

Oxano-Lab 20 (Oxandrolone) by 7Lab Pharm

Oxano-Lab 20 is the trade name for the synthetic steroid released by 7Lab Pharm. Oxano-Lab 20 is intended for oral administration and is produced as 10 mg tab. Each tablet of Oxano-Lab 20 contains 10 mg of Oxandrolone hormone, and can be used both in men and women.

Oxano-Lab 20 is not very toxic, not very androgenic, mildly anabolic, and pretty mild on the body´s HPTA (Hypothalamic-Testicular-Pituitary-Axis). Oxandrolone is quite mild on liver, it´s probably the mildest oral steroid available today. Dosages of up to 80mgs/day are easily tolerated by most men, and most side effects often found with other steroids are not common with Oxano-Lab 20. For this reason, it is frequently the steroid of choice for many top level female bodybuilders and other athletes.

Side Effects

Oxano-Lab 20 (Oxandrolone) is a 17alpha alkylated oral steroid, carrying an alteration that is noted for putting stress on the liver. It is importarnt to point out however that to spite this alteration Oxandrolone is generally very well tolerated. While liver enzyme tests will occasionally show elevated values, actual damage due to Oxan is not a statistical problem. Bio-Technology General states that Oxano-Lab 20 (Anavar) is not as extensively metabolized by the liver as other 1-7aa orals are; evidenced by the fact that nearly a third of the compound is still intact when excreted in the urine. This may have to do with the understood milder nature of Oxandrolone (compared to other l7aa orals) in terms of hepatotoxicity.

One study comparing the effects of Oxandrolone to other agents including as methyltestosterone, norethandrolone, fluoxymesterone and methandriol. Here it was demonstrated that Oxano-Lab 20 causes the lowest sulfobromophthalein (BSP) retention among all the alkylated orals tested. 20 mg of Oxan in fact produced 72% less BSP retention than an equal dosage of fluoxyrnesterone, which is a considerable difference being that they possess the same liver-toxic alteration. With such findings, combined with the fact that athletes rarely report trouble with Oxano-Lab 20, most feel comfortable believing it to be much safer to use during loner cycles than most of other orals with this distinction. Although this may very well be true, the chance of liver damage still cannot be excluded however.

Dosage and Stacking

The daily combination of Oxano-Lab 20 and 10-12 mg of Halo-Lab had been proven to be very effective because its utilization gives musculature a more inflexible aspect.

The daily combination of Oxano-Lab 20 and 120-140 mcg of Cleno-Lab 40 helps to obtain good results too. The Oxandrolone doesn't increase the musculature, but it increase the other steroids effects on the organism. The concoction is combined with Decalab-250, with Nandrolab-P 100 and with others Testosterone's derived which accumulate liquids and assure the considerable musculature increase. A daily combination of 200 mg of Decalab-250, 500 mg of Testolab-E 250 and 25 mg of Oxano-Lab 20 helps most athletes to increase their weight and their force. The Decalab-250 has an anabolic effect more pronounced and stimulates the proteins synthesis, the Oxandrolon increases the force and the Testosterone makes sportsmen more aggressive during the trainings and increases the regeneration speed.

Another reason of which the Oxandrolone is used, is that the steroid doesn't aromatize no matter how big is the dose. As we mentioned earlier, a big part of blood testosterone is transformed in estrogens. After Oxandrolone's utilization, the musculature will not have an aqueous aspect; that's why the concoction is supposed to be very effective for trainings before competitions. During those trainings, it's very important to maintain the estrogens to a low level because the estrogens provoke the liquid accumulation in the organism even if the athlete have a less calories diet. In combination with the diet, the Oxano-Lab 20 helps to obtain a strong and elastic musculature.

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