Average Dose: 400-600mg/week (Men) 50-150 mg/week (Women)
Half Life: 14 - 16 days
Water Retention: Low
Aromatization: Mild
DHT Conversion: Low
Boldelab-200 - Boldenone Undeclynate more known as trade name Equipoise. It is a favorite veterinary steroid of many athletes. Its effects are strongly anabolic, and only moderately androgenic. The activity of Boldenone Undeclynate is mainly anabolic, with a low androgenic potency. It has a very long half-life, and can show up on a steroid test for up to 5 months.
Boldelab-200 will increase nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, increases appetite and stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys. The drug is commonly used in doping within bodybuilding, even though this use is illegal. If intended to assist in bodybuilding, the drug is taken as part of a steroid stack of other anabolic steroids, usually with a potent androgen like testosterone as the 'base' of the stack.
Boldelab-200 is often used by bodybuilders in both off-season and pre-contest. Because it has similar properties to methandienone (methylated boldenone), it is a favorite for adding strength and size. Another reason Boldenone is so popular for bulking is because it increases the appetite; this is also a reason many athletes will stay away from it pre-contest. Boldelab-200 is well known for increasing vascularity while preparing for a bodybuilding contest.
Dosage Average of Boldelab-200 are 200-600 mg per week. Injections are usually taken every other day. If high volume injections are made too frequently to the same injection site, an oil abscess may form. An oil abscess will often dissipate on its own, but in extreme instances, a doctor will need to drain it. Therefore, athletes should take caution and rotate injection sites. It is packed in multiple dose vial of 10 ml 200 mg per ml.
Common bodybuilding doses range between 200 mg to 400 mg/week but could be as high as 800 mg/week. Boldelab-200 has a low rate of aromatization (about 50% of Testosterone), which means it does not convert to estrogen easily and does not cause very much water retention. Many Bodybuilders will find that it is a good replacement drug for Nandrolone. Boldenone Undeclynate is among the substances banned by Major League Baseball, as well as most other major athletic organizations. Boldelab-200 is easily detectable in blood tests due to its long metabolic half-life. Trace amounts of the drug can easily be detected for months after discontinued use.
By itself, Boldelab-200 will provide a steady and consistent gain in mass and strength. However, best results are achieved when Equipoise is used in conjunction with other steroids. Equipoise is a favorite veterinary steroid of many athletes. Its effects are strongly anabolic, and only moderately androgenic. By itself, Boldelab-200 will provide a steady and consistent gain in mass and strength. However, best results are achieved when Boldelab-200 is used in conjunction with other steroids.For mass, Equipoise stacks exceptionally well with Dianobol-Lab 10, Oxy-Lab or an injectable Testosterone based drugs like Sustalab-250 or 1-Test Cyp 100. Boldelab-200 is also highly effective for contest preparation since it aromatizes very poorly.
Muscle hardness and density can be greatly improved when Boldelab-200 is combined with Testolab-E 250 (Testosterone Enanthate) or Stanozolol based products from 7Lab Pharm, available in tablets as Stano-Lab 10 or in vials as Stanolab-50.
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