Testosterone Suspension is an injectable anabolic steroid which represents pure testosterone with no ester or other compounds attached. It is often used by athletes because it represents the extreme dosage that enters and clears the body very fast. It produces anabolic and androgenic effects that no other form of testosterone can. Testosterone Suspension increases nitrogen retention in the muscle increased levels of the growth in the muscle tissue. Athletes and bodybuilders use it cutting cycles and its administration is accompanied by severe bloat and water retention.
Testosterone Suspension showed best results when it is used for at least 8 weeks. The usual dosage for men is 50-100 mg per day, while women and beginners should avoid taking this compound. It is often combined with other products such as Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise, for the purpose of adding mass. Testosterone Suspension can also be stacked with bulking products such as Dianabol or Oxymetholone and anti-estrogens such as Clomid/Tamoxifen. Testosterone Suspension act hard on the system. It is high in androgens, aromatizes easily and it is disturbing for the liver. Other negative side effects that may occur are: water retention and bloating, fat gain, gynecomastia and risks of testosterone being converted to estrogen, acne and problems related to male pattern baldness.
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