New Prices for Sciroxx Injectables

Dear Customers!

These are our favorite types of news.

We are officially announcing that we have reduced the prices for all Injectables from Sciroxx. What an opportunity to place your order now! Take a moment to review the injectable steroids catalog. We suggest you to take advantage of these prices and order now.

If you need big amounts of products, then it is very appropriate to mention the Sciroxx bulk category. Ordering in bulk, meaning 10 items of one product (all the Sciroxx products are available in bulk: Methanodex, Stanodex, Equidex, Mastodex, Nandrodex, Pentadex, Primodex, Testodex, Trenadex, Ultradex, Oxanodex, Oxydex, Turinadex, Aromadex, Clenodex), gives you the possibility to save 120$. The gear is packed very discrete, and the delivery is guaranteed, thus you really have nothing to worry about when making bulk orders.

Of course, you can expect the same quality and service you have come to expect from us. We look forward to continuing our business with you for the future., Strong TEAM

Oct 8, 2009 RoidsMaLL

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