Test E / D-BoL Cycle
Bulking Steroid Cycles

Test E / D-BoL Cycle

This Bulking Cycle Includes:
- Testoxyl Enanthate: 10 mL Vial, 250 mg/mL;
- Dianoxyl: 300 tabs, 10 mg each;
- Nolvaxyl: 30 tabs, 20 mg each.
Purpose: Bulking.

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Test E / D-BoL Cycle Detailed

This bulking cycle is suitable for athletes (powerlifting, bodybuilding, etc.) who already have experience in using anabolic steroids and plan to increase their weight, strength, and to some extent, endurance.

Bulking Test E / D-BoL Cycle Layout

WEEK Testoxyl Enanthate Dianoxyl Nolvaxyl
1 400-500 mg/week 40 mg/day
2 400-500 mg/week 40 mg/day
3 200-250 mg/week 40 mg/day
4 200-250 mg/week 30 mg/day
5 200-250 mg/week 30 mg/day
6 200-250 mg/week 30 mg/day
7 200-250 mg/week 30 mg/day
8 200-250 mg/week 30 mg/day
13 20 mg/day
14 20 mg/day
15 10 mg/day
16 10 mg/day

Notes: The first two weeks we start with an increased dose of testosterone, to get out as quickly as possible to the working dose, put intramuscular injections every third day for 200-250 mg, from the third week we start to inject the drug at 200-250 mg/week. For gaining muscle mass, the following testosterone esters can be used: Enanthate, Cypionate, a mixture of esters (Sustaxyl). On this cycle, you need to monitor the level of estradiol hormone, if necessary, use Arimixyl (Anastrazole) or Nolvaxyl (Tamoxifen).

Long esters of testosterone begin to work by week 2-3, so the first three weeks to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood we use Dianoxyl (Methandienone).

We use Nolvaxyl after two weeks from the last injection of Testoxyl Enanthate. Nolvaxyl is used to restore the secretion of body's own testosterone after taking anabolic steroids.

All products are manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals.

*Eod means Each Other Day.

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