Balkan Pharmaceuticals


Drug Class: Pharma Grade Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
- Active Substance: Oxymetholone
- Concentration: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 60 tabs
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Common Name(s): Anadrol, Anapolon, Oxydrol, Androlic, Oxybolone, Oxydex
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Anapolon Detailed

Anapolon 50 mg by Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Anapolon 50 is the trade name for the synthetic steroid released by Balkan Pharmaceuticals. Anapolon 50 is intended for oral administration and is produced as 50 mg tab. Each tablet of Anapolon 50 contains 50 mg of Oxymetholone hormone, and can be used both in men and women. Anapolon 50 is avalaible on sale in a blister with 60 tablets.

Dosage and Stacking

Anapolon dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 0,5 - 0,8 mg per pound of body weight/day. This corresponds to 1-4 tablets; i.e. 50-200 mg/day. Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than four tablets in any given day. We are of the opinion that a daily intake of three tablets should not be exceeded. Those of you who would like to try Anadrol 50 steroids for the first time should begin with an intake of only one 50 mg tablet. After a few days or even better, after one week, the daily dosage can be increased to two tablets, one tablet each in the morning and evening, taken with meals.A strict diet together with the simultaneous intake of Nolvadex and Proviron, can significantly reduce water retention so that a distinct increase in the solid muscles is possible. By taking Anadrol 50 the athlete experiences an enormous "pump effect" during the workout in the exercised muscles. The blood volume in the body is significantly elevated causing a higher blood supply to the muscles during workout.

Athletes who are more advanced or weigh more than 220 pounds can increase the dosage to 150 mg/day in the third week. This dosage, however, should not be taken for periods longer than two to three weeks. Following, the dose should be reduced by one tablet every week. Since Anadrol 50 quickly saturates the receptors, its intake should not exceed six weeks. The dramatic mass build up which often occurs shortly after administration rapidly decreases, so that either the dosage must be increased (which the athlete should avoid due to the considerable side effects) or, even better, another product should be used. Those who take Anadrol 50 for more than 5-6 weeks should be able to gain 20 - 25 pounds. These should be satisfying results and thus encourage the athlete to discontinue using the compound.

After discontinuing Anadrol 50, it is important to continue steroid treatment with another compound since, otherwise, a drastic reduction takes place and the user, as is often observed, within a short period looks the same as before the treatment. No other anabolic/androgenic steroid causes such a fast and drastic loss in strength and mass as does Anadrol 50. Athletes should continue their treatment with injectable testosterone such as Sustanon 250 or Testosterone Enanthate for several weeks.

Bodybuilders often combine Anadrol 50 with Decandrol or Cipandrol to build up strength and mass. A very effective stack which is also favored by professionals consists of Anadrol 50 100 mg+/day, Parabolan 228 mg+/week, and Sustandrol 500 mg+/week. This stack quickly improves strength and mass but it is not suitable for and steroid novices. Anadrol 50 by Balkan Pharmaceuticals is not a steroid for novices and should only be used after the athlete has achieved a certain development or has had experience with various "weaker" compounds. Stories that the elite bodybuilder uses 8-10 or more Anadrol 50 tablets daily belongs to the realm of fairy tales. It is rare that any ambitous competing bodybuilder can do without the support of 50 mg Oxymetholone tablets; however, taking 8, 10 or 12 tablets daily is more than the organism can handle. Anadrol 50 is to be taken seriously and the prevailing bodybuilder mentality "more is better" is out of place.

Possible Side Effects

Anadrol 50 is unfortunately also the most harmful oral steroid. Its intake can cause many considerable side effects. Since it is 17-alpha alkylated it is very liver-toxic. Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after approximately few week.The compound oxymetholone easily converts into estrogen. This causes signs of feminization (e.g. gynecomastia) and water retention which in turn requires the intake of anti estrogens (e.g. Tamoximed 20 and Provimed) and an increased use of diuretics (e.g. Lasix) before a competition. Bodybuilders who experience a severe steroid acne caused by Anadrol 50 can get this problem under control by using the prescription drug Accutane.

Other possible side effects may include headaches, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, lack of appetite, insomnia, and diarrhea. The athlete can expect a feeling of "general indisposition" with the intake of Anapolon Anadrol 50 which is completely in contrast to Danabol 10 which conveys a "sense of well-being". This often creates a paradoxical situation since the athlete continues to become stronger and bulkier while, at the same time, he does not feel well. The increased aggressiveness is caused by the resulting high level of androgen and occurs mostly when large quantities of testosterone are "shot" simultaneously with the Anadrol 50. Anadrol is not a steroid for older athletes since they react more sensitively to possible side effects, and the risk of liver damage and prostate cancer increases. Since the drug is usually taken with a diet rich in calories and fat needed to build up mass, the cholesterol level and the LDL values might increase while the HDL values decrease. The body's own production of testosterone is considerably reduced since Anadrol 50 has an inhibiting effect on the hypothalamus, which in turn completely reduces or stops the release of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone). For this reason the intake of testosterone-stimulating compounds such as Pregnyl HCG and Clomed is absolutely necessary to maintain the hormone production in the testes.


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