Steroid Profile: Dianabol
Dianabol, often referred to as D-Bol, is an anabolic steroid that was developed in the 1960s. It is considered by many to be one of the most popular anabolic steroids ever produced. Anabolic steroids are drugs that increase the buildup of cell tissue, which results in larger muscles. Many athletes and bodybuilders use Dianabol to enhance their muscle density, thus increasing their strength. Two of the more famous bodybuilders who admit to using D-Bol are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva. Dianabol was banned in the early 1990s by the FDA under the Controlled Substances Act, but it can be attained without a prescription in many other countries, such as Mexico, Asia, and some Eastern European countries. It can also be purchased through many online retailers. Dianabol is no longer produced in the United States or Western Europe.
Athletes and bodybuilders typically use D-Bol during muscle bulking cycles, and it is usually only taken for four to six weeks at a time. Most users will see immediate results when they begin taking the drug. Those who are just beginning Dianabol use will normally start out with 20 milligrams per day and increase this amount as they become accustomed to the drug. Advanced users often take 50 milligrams per day. Taking more than 50 milligrams per day produces no additional muscle mass, therefore 50 milligrams is considered the most effective dosage by most bodybuilders. Although Dianabol is typically found in a pill form, it can also be injected into the body.
The main side effect of taking this drug is rapid weight gain, and sometimes the weight gained is watery weight. Users sometimes experience a bloated look, most likely from the retention of water caused by Dianabol. Another side effect of using this steroid is that it increases your blood pressure and can cause liver damage. The most unwanted side effect is that with long-term use, male users will begin to experience estrogenic effects. This is often combated by taking Nolvadex or Clomid to control the estrogen-related side effects.
In addition to its capability to increase muscle size and strength, Dianabol has also been shown to have a positive effect on osteoporosis. A study showed that 2.5 milligrams of Dianabol per day, taken over a period of nine months, was more effective than calcium supplements in combating the bone deterioration associated with osteoporosis. Dianabol also helps to increase the muscle mass, calcium, and potassium levels of osteoporosis sufferers.
Best Dianabol Brands for Sale @ RoidsMaLL

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
- Active Substance: Methandrostanolone
- Concentration: 20 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tabs
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Tested in Laboratory: View Lab Report
π« Do NOT mix Domestic and International products in one order!

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
- Active Substance: Methandrostanolone
- Concentration: 50 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tabs
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Tested in Laboratory: View Lab Report
π« Do NOT mix Domestic and International products in one order!

Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
- Active Substance: Methandienone
- Concentration: 50 mg/mL
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Tested in Laboratory: View Lab Report
π« Do NOT mix Domestic and International products in one order!

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
- Active Substance: Methandienone
- Concentration: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tabs
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Common Name(s): Metandienone, Dbol, Dianabol, Methandienone
π« Do NOT mix Domestic and International products in one order!

π« Do NOT mix Domestic and International products in one order!

π« Do NOT mix Domestic and International products in one order!

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
- Active Substance: Methandienone
- Concentration: 10 mg/tab
Presentation: 100 tabs
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Common Name(s): Dianabol, DBOL, GP Methan,
Anabol, D-BOL, Methanabol, Methanodex
π« Do NOT mix Domestic and International products in one order!
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