Anastro-Lab, a new generation drug, belongs to drugs known as aromatase inhibitors. Aromatase inhibitors belong to a wider class of drugs known as anti-estrogens. Drugs used to suppress or completely block estrogen in the body. Having such a low price, this drug has pronounced positive qualities.
Anastrozole is used in the treatment of breast cancer, as many types of breast cancer cells are stimulated by estrogen. Now, Anastro-Lab by 7Lab Pharm, is a significant and indispensable component in sports, in particular - bodybuilding. Anastrozole is taken in parallel with highly androgenic anabolic steroids, to suppress steroid aromatization, or at the end of the course as a post-cycle therapy (PCT), in order to restore the natural release of testosterone.
The action and effect of Anastro-Lab:
This drug is a very strong inhibitor, stronger than its analogues Proviron-Lab and Clomi-Lab. It is able to suppress and even stop its own production of estrogen in the body.
When taking strong androgenic steroids such as Testolab-C 250 or Dianobol-Lab 20, or when steroids are taken in too high doses, aromatization (conversion to estrogen) reaches its maximum and brings with it a number of negative side effects, such as the accumulation of water in tissues (puffy type), the possible occurrence of gynecomastia and the accumulation of fat. Anastro-Lab prevents these effects.
Also, the active substance is used in therapy to quickly restore testosterone production in the body after a steroid course. Within two weeks, the Anastro-Lab is able to restore the natural level of testosterone to normal.
This drug is available in tablets of 1 mg for oral administration. It can be taken at any time of the day, the dose varies depending on the number of steroids in the course and the duration of their intake.
The average dose of Anastro-Lab is from 0.5 to 1 mg every day or every other day. The recommended dose is 0.5 mg every day. You can set your dosage judging by the reaction of your body. High dosages should be agreed with a qualified specialist or doctor.
The most common are:
Taking these drugs should be accompanied by medical supervision.
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Drug Class: Aromatase Inhibitor; Antiestrogen
- Active Substance: Anastrozole
- Concentration: 1 mg/tab
Presentation: 50 tabs
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
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